Let’s talk more my bunny!

Let’s talk more my bunny!

March 6, 2013 

Hello! My name is Tanya. I am lonely Russian woman from Ulyanovsk. I hope you will interested in my letter or in my structure in agency. I have decided to write to you really liked to me. Some more about me…. I am 25, I have finished medical university in our city and now I work as the children’s doctor. My free time I spend on a hippodrome, as I 7 years am engaged in equestrian sport. I think more about my appearance will tell you my photos. If you want to learn more about me you may write me to Zvyereva68@yandex.ru Also if you want to ask me some questoins (if interested in me), please write me and I promise answer you and also I will send you more of my photos. Bye for now. 

I hope it’s letter will not without your reply. ?  



Getting brutal, got rude, arrogant, willingly, I enjoyed it, my brutality, saying how I felt, skipping over the damaged area, mutilated, hanged by the neck, by things sticking out, looking at that position. How can you say that? Don’t say it out, please, hanging, hung, dripping, dropped. The Official method of loud hanging very convincingly, women and character that must be trained, women and nature that must be controlled, beautified, one should enjoy.

Is it possible for the art world to critique capitalism of which it is very depended on, the system, the art world is as art is capital? Does anyone know what kind of a system art is?

It seems to me the ideal of the art making, ideal of an artist and idea of the benevolent, kind and good doing art has made the perfect shell on this thing called the art world who are those who protect and support artist on their way, that critiquing it, is close to blasphemy and an act of negative feelings. As it is a business one must behave businesslike and a scandal is truly risky, most scandals nowadays are about what kind of financiers there has been, where the money has come from. One true art scandal lies there, how about that social justice when you are taking money from oil companies and pharmaceutical corporations, not good. In fine art know the right people, right places, the ways of penetrating awareness, know the language, making awe, know the style of contemporary art, you will recognise it and then do it. Put your sign up there, so you will be seen. This is my suggestion. It is a con, a perfect place for a con artist and con art experts who do not do their homework, art institutions to con, copy in search for originality and a hit. Too much shock is too much, but this is preposterous and to talk about good things happens among friends, professionality is about cleanliness, order, finance and hygiene.

Capitalism the word is here and there a villain or an all giving and all solving godlike apparatus. Smashing it is what many yearn or wait to happen. What does the making of change in places of art mean for art, what does art do when it makes change or eventually evolves, and for the public, for the society as a whole, not just for those who consume art? Does change, a reform of any kind, and of anything, understanding, enlightenment, begin to happen after when media tells you about the game changing revolutionary art since places of art are nevertheless and regardless exclusive and they must be visible. Many people don’t dare to go in and/or are not interested, aren’t even aware of?? What is the intimidation, what is the scare? Million dollar question and acknowledging how much power lies in the art world. Making social change is very tricky in an arrogant expensive place, what does it even mean? Arrogance rejects extremes, unfamiliar, not fitting the aesthetics, the people, the interior, removing unclean noticeable flaws which makes irritating and appall laughably easy and fun. Carry your work in a common mall plastic bag does it as does choice of clothing. So much for fitting in. Trying to fit in is against art. Fitting in is design.

Question is for one who is interested in contemporary art and why, by what does this weird thinking and making get fuelled, philosophy and science? How well do places of art and artists take risks when it comes to choosing art for a show, safe bets for cashflow guaranteed? It is reputation that is on the line and financial support which has meant sanitary art is in sanitary places, safe. Trauma is behind the corner, what horror on the wall, is that art. Oftentimes art world likes to identify with social justice movements, which is interesting as the art world is known to be a place of unjust and nonmovement, progress is on the surface and in the technology, are gimmicks progress? I like to think not. Closed doors, tied down/shut up-culture, bring justice forward here is not understanding what the environment is and what is just, not seeing the problem there within or doing anything about it knowingly. I believe all happens knowingly, manipulation is in the visual, it is so strict. Social justice which is a well-meaning, good thing to have and be for: progress is that we will all be united one day, right? Well, it is truly progress. We all want seas be rid of pollution, right? Concepts like capitalism, it clearly is a concern, unity and what does it mean in capitalism, but to my mind not enough a concern. Art is probably not even touching the problems it must face, just petting them, it is there, we know it, we know but most we look at problems of others. Money is so good, isn’t it and there is never enough of money (artists are rated by money, money makes an artist) and art is never big enough… size matters as it dazzles, gives an experience. White walls are luxurious, stylish and everywhere in clean places where order is appreciated.

Art work which critiques capitalism in designer-like fashion for example by saying “Capitalism will collapse from within” conceptual artwork by Elmgren & Dragset, 2003, a painting represented by internationally recognised galleries, which is always important to mention for value, strikes as a slogan from a t-shirt. Work is placed on a wall casually hanging from one corner in front of a safe, so maybe it is simulating a demonstration and hiding a robbery, (constantly in mind to go to the streets but then run) turned into a luxury object. Hmm, so it is critiquing itself, the artists and telling what artists really want (what is in that safe)? What is in this picture that is untrustworthy? Maybe nothing but definitely something. It is funny and irritating at the same time, when I noticed the safe on the wall it dawned on me it is about the structure. Biggest joke is the white wall and all that whiteness around the work. Is it the price tag that is odd, that it is for sale, of course (you can find it on Artsy-application which is for selling art).Is this critique towards those who believe in capitalism as the work is on show in a grandiose tiptop place for art or just mere hopelessness in front of choices artists must make, place of warning of a burning world, burning from within?? Is art world a place for social justice with sense of style, a functioning one? Isn’t it biting its own leg as art world is very depended on capitalism, the system created for creating wealth and art being a very strong signifier of wealth, an asset? What does art world think of critique which is targeted on them and most importantly what does the art world do other than go on as it ever was? Only thing that moves it is the market and financial depression, where the money goes and is. What happens in this future collapse we are facing and who will go running from within, which is the place where art is, the within, and comes from, I hope. Walls and built things are the within, the within is something we rely on the most, the safe place we are afraid of losing?

I am sceptical of the amount of benevolence and altruism there. A constant concern for me when it comes to art is what are the motives there. As said art is a business and in business one does not play too much with fire, does one? Although when looking at finance world taking risks is essential and we pay for it. So it is good and safe to take risks in finance but not in art? Art world taking risks is an interesting issue as for instance those who collect art are known for not making risky choices. What does “Capitalism will collapse from within” say to a collector? How to make more money with it? How to hide when destruction strikes? How the art work will grow more valuable as there will be more banking crises, homelessness, unemployment, poverty, insecurity etc.? Is it a prophesy or lookalike hotel in a wall? Are artists functioning as oracles who know something about the system we rely on? One essential question is how does an artist work outside the art world? That is called outsider artist which is really funny. Is it even possible as the system is so tightly framed to be an artist outside? Many question that, still. You are not accepted by the right people, you are not an artist. You do not have money, you are not an artist. These rules are some I have come by and are a result of the current art system, which is fanatic for stars, visibility, greatness and excess. Massive and working in a strict manner simulating openness, an intellectual con which appears for example when art English aims to impress and experts create interesting sentences without much content: it looks good, what is it, did you bake it?

Responsibility issues what comes to speaking, what is an attack and what can be tolerated: a personal take on communication between humans. Speaking is a performance.

We evaluate each other for how we speak. What do you say of that person over there, what do you say of yourself and what is the world like in your speech. What kind of content you produce, what kinds of pauses there are, phrases, language, style, what kind of text is produced and is thought through, what comes out when we speak, in what kind of voice. What does a voice do: it scares, threatens, is too silent or has found the perfect balance. Voice has to be firm and loud enough. It has to reassure the listener, but not too much noise please. Too much is a threat and tone of voice in which we speak has a meaning. Sometimes one has suppressed one’s voice that shouting may be the only way to express and make a sound, which has made me wonder the sensitiveness of how we must police our levels of voice. It is curious that to find a voice one can find it by raising one’s voice, by shouting. It scares people, so do it alone or in a group who understand your quest of finding a voice. The evaluation happens instantly and our conceptions of the speaker influence a great deal, what we expect of hearing, what do we think the speaker means and what do we think of the speaker. How open can we be towards someone else’s message and what does openness mean, is it that we agree to listen. Reactions are the ones we are hoping to get. We are open to listen, make note and respect or just pass? In how many ways can the spoken be understood is the same as how many ways can the nonverbal be understood? What are the things that interest us in a speaker, why is she or he appealing to us and what are the things we pay attention to in anyone? It is safer to blend in, go with flow, try not to irritate. To disagree can be daring nowadays. We must have a personal interest of some kind and we like to think the personal is correct, true and something to guard.

I have always been pointed out that I don’t speak enough which has clearly been a flaw. As a child I barely spoke at all. In terms of speaking, it is interesting to use myself as an example. Pretty girl does not speak, she just looks pretty. That can be a task that is enough. When women and girls speak out their minds, it may come as a shock. Since now I speak whatever I feel best, I also like to provoke and enjoy havoc caused, but it does not mean I would not mean what I say, I just speak my mind without censoring myself. If people’s ways of thinking get disturbed, I am thrilled to see what happens. Silence is a place of an observer, but it also is accepting one’s place and the place is not defined only by you, but you yourself remain evaluated nevertheless. Silence is a place of hiding, of suspicion, that there is something wrong with that person or there is nothing to say. Silence can be taken in many ways, what it means, so why not ask rather than make up something coloured and biased. Silence is appreciated in Finland and it is a weird mix of inability to talk and enjoying silence, not being bothered by it, but still many are. I can be very silent which for many strikes as scary and odd. Talking is the way for us to express ourselves, self-evidently, just like that, bluntly or very considerately. It is a matter of credibility, fun, entertainment, socialising and status, often that clearly is not speaking like it mattered, but as if there are compulsive reasons to produce speech to avoid feelings of emptiness, loneliness and feeling of being left out, for example.. It is not enough that you speak, you have to speak of right, accepted issues in a right accepted way, which when problematic is avoided, can begin to feel like a straitjacket and going round in circles. Why do I have to follow this system and rules of speech and why fear is something one feels.

In a crowd of only men, it is weird to speak as the only woman. You stick out. In a crowd of working class (or not-so-much-educated people), one with education sticks out. It is even worse when you are a woman. What kind of issues concern me, what can I say in the end? Well I avoid the personal and like to concentrate on social and political issues, art and what else is there than the self..Female voice is an interesting one, what comes out of that mouth, what is it worth and what does it tell of a person. Blame there is is an interesting issue to take under microscope, as it exist in a way of a power tool. People like to invent things, analyse, read the person, often wrong. The person who does not take part in conventional manner, disagrees strongly or stays an outsider must be labelled. It is a place of constantly fighting against bias and wrong information. You have not tried enough to claim your place which place is claimed by claiming respect and there are rules. How do we get respect, what do we have to do and what do we have to be like to be worthy? How much respect is worth having in a lookalike world that seeks to be liked? It has always been a wonder to me as respect falls on others and escapes some of us. It is about system of values and changing that system of thinking.

When young, I found it so that my speech was meaningless, because of my age and because of my gender. I didn’t have a voice, I was invisible, but I existed, which is a place for artistry to come out. I found value in being a freak and a language I could speak. Those who do not speak, are stupid is the very often felt judgment, which is weird in a country that values silence. Today in cacophony of talk, those who are silent, seem to be a blessing. Everyone has an opinion and has to voice it. It is a very straightforward method which we call social. Again those who make the most noise are the most noticed and listened to people. My way of staying outside feels natural to me, although it is odd for most people. I have not participated in the ways people usually participate and engage, still I don’t think of myself as anti-social, quite the contrary. Silence is serious and not so much fun…Your fun is not mine either.

In human relations one’s space has to be taken, it is not given. When one is not interested in spaces that exists to be social, one should still try and engage, it sounds like a problem and an effort. Now that I don’t hesitate to speak, I speak of wrong issues and have wrong kind of opinions. Human relations and codes of communication are somewhat interesting, difficult to master, especially jumping to conclusion strikes me. It is so easy, so please try to avoid, if you can. You have to know human way of thinking to use communication skills correctly, that is social, but it is also manipulation. It is about psychology and authenticity, or ability to look like authentic and reliable. It is about learning ways of communicating, the correct ways, knowing how people think and what are one’s own goals, because there are always personal gains. I laugh too loudly, it is a flaw. I shout out when everybody else is quiet, it is weird. I think I like myself. lmfao